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JTT Blog Mar/April 23

JTT Blog Mar/April 23

Georgina Clark |

March was pretty slow. I manage to get to SnowDome Tamworth for a ski which was super nice to feel my skis under me again and to get some insta clips (that insta edit I made from that day is currently sitting at 16.9k views). I used these sessions for my prep for the Brits.

The beginning of April was pretty cool, I went up to Scotland for the Brits with Jasmine and my family. The first comp day was slopestyle. The weather wasn’t great because the clouds kept coming in, but I still had fun. Everyone got to do their first runs but after that, the speed went and the conditions weren’t great so they just held a little jam on the last jump. The jam was super fun and I actually ended up winning £50 from that jam from the crowd having a good response to my skiing. Everyone killed it that day and it was so nice to see and ski with some people I hadn’t seen in a while like Tyler Stubbington, Jay Hebblethwaite and Mark Donnelly. Day 2 was my favorite day, the rail jam. I’ve always loved rail jams, since I was a kid, they make everyone get creative. I did a few cool tricks, like misty 450 off a rail, a big lipslide disaster with a cuban grab, a K-Fed on a transfer rail and a big 450 disaster pretzel 270 off. I feel as though I ski my best in those jam sessions. Everyone killed it again in the rail jam and everyone really showcased themselves and their individual styles. I won the rail jam, so of course I was super happy, and then 2nd was Tyler Stubbington and 3rd Mark Donnelly. I loved every second of the Brits. 

JTT Blog

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