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Justin Taylor-Tipton Blog - Sept/Oct

Justin Taylor-Tipton Blog - Sept/Oct

Ski Exchange |

My September started with a family holiday to Wales. The weather wasn’t amazing but it was at least still warm. The holiday was chilled and we spent most of our time by the beach (when it wasn’t raining!) Aside from the beach, we went on a couple of walks around and spent a day at Caernarfon looking at the sights like the castle and the surrounding area. It was nice to get  away with my family and chill more than usual.

The weekend after I got back I went camping with my girlfriend, Auntie, Cousins and Aunties friends. It was a super funny couple of nights but way too cold at night. We did wrong answer only quizzes, joked around and they even had a trampoline so you know I had to go on that. The day we traveled back home was the day of the Queen's funeral so we managed to watch some of it in the car and when we got home.

Throughout September I managed to get to Tamworth to get some skiing done. One of the weeks I spent nearly the whole night to try get one specific trick. It was kinda like a 180 onto a rail but sorta like a back surface swap to switch 5050 then do a pretzel (spin the other way) 180 off. I know that doesn't really sound hard, but trust me it isn’t by any means easy, especially on a rail. The week after, they had this sick tube (that had a little gap onto it), that I wanted to try. There was also a normal tube I wanted to try something different on. On the normal tube I wanted to do a backslide (slide on only my back foot) then do a backswap into a 270 off. This was way more chill than I thought. Then on the gap to tube, I wanted to do a switch butter 630. I started with just some regular switch butter 270s, then switch butter 450s. The next step was just to do it but again I found it pretty chill. The insta post I did with the Switch butter 630 in is currently my most liked and viewed video on insta at 518 like and 11K views!

A couple days after the last Tamworth session I turned 22. The day was super relaxed, I got some presents and we had a birthday meal at an 'all you can eat' restaurant. The food was so good, I definitely ate too much, but I can eat a lot anyway. I even got my food for free because it was my birthday.

A couple days after my birthday I went to a mindfulness seminar with my Mum which was cool. We pretty much just went through a guided meditation for an hour. I meditate anyway, but not really guided, so it was a cool experience and I would for sure recommend trying it. That's how September ended for me.

The first thing I did in October was travel to a concert with my girlfriend to watch a performer she enjoys called Ross Lynch.

After this, I went to the Nation Snow Show to support my sponsors that were there, and to explore and enjoy the show itself. It was pretty cool to see all the new stuff and look around at what's new. I also enjoyed a few of the talks the show had organised and found them interesting to watch. Ski Exchange were the main shop there which was so cool to see! Their stall was huge and always busy with loads of stock and I got to see the guys from Jibworx as well. Me and my family would randomly bump into people that we haven’t seen in a while so it was nice to catch up with them as well.

2 days after the National Snow Show was possibly one of the best nights of my life. I went to see the Harlem Globetrotters with Jasmine. We had courtside seats that were pretty much center court. If you know me, you know that I love basketball! This was the first game I’d ever gone to and it was everything I expected and more. We had a magic pass which meant we got to meet some of the team before the game. I took a ball with me to get  signed and bought a jersey while I was there as well. I’m still not fully over it because it was so amazing. If you ever get the chance to go I’d 100% recommend going.


To finish off my month nicely, I travelled down to Ski Exchange to pick up some skis, bindings, a helmet and a back protector. As always everyone in the shop were welcoming and professional and they hooked me up good. Big thanks to everyone at Ski Exchange for always treating me well, it’s very much appreciated. 

So that's the past 2 months for me. I hope you enjoyed it, and I look forward to posting again soon!


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