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Emily Keen Blog Summer 23'

Emily Keen Blog Summer 23'

Georgina Clark |

I ended my on snow ski cross season in Sweden in April, returning back to school to complete my A-levels exams. I found them a little tough with all the revision and long exam times in comparison to my GCSEs which I did not complete due to Covid.

Post exams, I went on a family holiday to Cornwall to go surfing. Unfortunately weather conditions led to waveless seas for majority of the time meaning I was not able to do much surfing. Cornwall is one my favourite places to visit in the UK & there was plenty to do in the sunny weather.

During the summer I have been competing in local dry slope slalom races, which has been fun skiing with friends and going to some of the slopes where I first begun to fall in love with skiing. My training on snow has meant I have progressed and have found myself higher in the overall standings compared to prior years of competing, which is nice to see. Gaining many podiums on the way. What I really like to see is the younger children find their passion for skiing & starting to build their skills at the training sessions and I recently became an ambassador for Chatham Race Club helping those juniors even further.

July was time for another amazing family holiday to America where we travelled to the White Mountain region on the East coast. When I was younger I spent lots of time skiing in this region. It remains one of my favourite ski destinations. It is a very different place without the snow, summer fun in the mountains swimming in the rivers, hiking on the mountains & meeting up with friends we had not seen since Covid.

To prepare for the upcoming winter season I have been training in the gym. My main focus and goal is to improve my upper body strength, this is so I can accelerate out of the start gates faster and have bigger pushes within the start sections of the ski cross course to give me an advantage. Meanwhile I have been maintaining strength in my legs. Skiing on dry slope helps work on my technique, especially not coming from a race background and continue to ski throughout the summer months before most my on snow training starts again in September.

Now I am beginning to move into some of my training camps before the season starts. Also am looking to pick up my A-level results soon, looking forward to being school free and able to focus on my skiing.

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