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Justin Taylor-Tipton Blog Nov/Dec 22'

Justin Taylor-Tipton Blog Nov/Dec 22'

Ski Exchange |

JTT Blog Nov/Dec


If I’m honest, I didn’t really get up to much in November because I was told by the dentist to take it easy after having a tooth extracted (I had complications with it healing). Not the best start to the season, but during this time I managed to get to the gym and do some light lifting and played basketball so I was able to stay occupied and fit.


On the 15th November I managed to go to Tamworth SnowDone for an event they had on there which was cool. It gave me an opportunity to ski my new Fauna Alparkas! The skis are so responsive and light, it's crazy. I’m not exaggerating when I say that they have virtually no swing weight. The event was great and gave me an opportunity to catch up with some people I haven’t seen in a while. I also won a year's free pass for Tamlands sessions (SnowDomes freestyle sessions) that over the next year (2023) I’m for sure going to use. In Case you’re wondering how I won it, it was a spot prize they were giving out to anyone who did something cool. The trick I did to win it was a disaster, front 270 out (gap to  the last part of the rail they spin out) on this big flat down rail they had out. The video I got from that night that I posted on Instagram is at over 50,000 views and over 7,500 likes at the time of writing this and it’s still increasing daily. 


At the end of the month, I helped out at a Christmas market. I had to set it up and help pack away at the end which entailed moving a ton of chairs, tables and helping people with stands carry things into the venue. About halfway through I also had to go outside to try to get more people in to spark more interest and it worked to be fair. There were so many stalls with different things at them. One was a stall full of sweets and the people working it gave me some for free for being helpful which was hella cool. At the end of the day though it felt like I’d done a whole workout because I’d been on my feet all day and had to move loads of things around but I’m not complaining as the event was fun and gave me something to do.


When December came around, I managed to get back out to the mountains for a week. I went out to Corvatsch in Switzerland. We skied the Corvatsch park but stayed in a village nearby called Celerina. This was a pretty good week despite it being bad weather for a few of the days. This trip was my first time in the mountains and on big jumps since April so for me this was a chance to get comfortable on jumps again and give my new skis a good test. It took a couple days to get used to being in the mountains again and used to barely having to set tricks. Overall though I was happy with how I skied. This trip was also my first time away riding for SnowShepherd gloves. The gloves kept my hands warm and dry in the -16 temperatures so I’d 100% recommend them. 


After the trip to Switzerland, I had a chill Christmas and new year with my family. 

The only other things I’ve been doing is trying to read more often. When I was away I finished a book called ‘Shoemaker’ a book about the founder of Reebok. I’m now on to ‘Bob Marley: The untold story’. I’m guessing you could figure out what that books about! I’ve also been keeping up with doing driving lessons, going to the gym and playing basketball. 


Hope you enjoyed the read!



Below are the Skis and Gloves Justin enjoyed using, both available from our website:

Fauna Ski

Snow Shepherd Gloves

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