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Snowboard Servicing Blog

Snowboard Servicing Blog

Ski Exchange |

We've often been asked "how do you service skis and snowboards?"

So whilst we have some time on our hands, Simon has made a short blog on the tuning and repair of a Burton Process snowboard. As he is working alone he was unable to produce video of the tuning but the images and descriptions will give everyone a good idea.

Hi everyone, 

This Burton Process board came in for an extensive service and a major edge delamination repair. 

My first job was to give the base a clean with wax remover and dig out any remaining rock and debris. This is important as any contaminants will reduce the bond when the base is repaired.

Next I assessed the delamination. As the edge was compressed, I bent it back to the original curved shape. Then all the delaminated areas were filled with a flexible epoxy resin.

The board was then clamped with a hot plate to speed up the curing process and left for a few hours.

Once then epoxy has set, the clamps and hot plate are removed and the excess material is ground away.

The finished job is nearly invisible. This type of delamination was fairly easy to repair as there was no damage to the woodcore from impact or water damage.

Next, we start the main base repair. The base is sanded to give a flat running surface and tune the underside (base) edge.

We can now clearly see the gouges that need repair and a few scars from previous repair jobs.  

Using an extruding gun. Liquid plastic (P-Tex) is used to fill the deep gouges. This is not wax and all the excess material is carefully removed by hand.

The base is then given a structure which helps retain wax and create a better glide, The outside (side) edge is now tuned. We can set the base and side edge to pretty much any desired angle.

Don't worry if you don't know your edge angles. If we are not instructed to set a requested angle we just go back to the factory recommendation, with Burton snowboards, that's 1°  base and side

The base is given a final clean to remove any remaining impurities before waxing.


Now waxed, we leave the board to cool down before we scrape the excess and buff up ready for the customer.


The finished base.

The excess wax has been removed, the base is then brushed and a layer of liquid teflon rubbed onto the running surface. 

The total cost for this repair and service was £45.00

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